Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Repeal this Congress!

March 24, 2010

As you know, the U.S. House of Representatives passed President Obama's government takeover of health care on Sunday, by a 219-212 vote. It was a heartbreaking moment.
They approved taxpayer funding of abortion, higher taxes, government control of one sixth of the economy, diminished care, marriage penalties, and more ... using lies and phony math. It was a victory for those who promote European-style socialism where the governing elite, not the people, make key decisions.

To do this the Democratic Leadership acted like this country's ruling class, ignoring that they are elected officials and answerable to us! They spent enormous political capital, bent every rule, bribed politicians with your money, used backroom deals, and rejected the will of a majority of the American people.

Now is not the time to quit! Working together we can take back this lost ground.
The American people have not forgotten the founding principles of faith, family and freedom that make our nation great. Yes, our democratic republic is under direct assault by this bill and this government. But, as we saw countless times over the past year, previously silent Americans have engaged in the political process.

Now is the time to join FRC Action. Unlike other nations where people turn to violence, we turn to the ballot box. Polls show that the American people reject the big government solution and seek liberty. Please help us spread the truth about this government takeover. And, help us fill the Congress with those who truly represent the will of the people.

Please join FRC Action today by making even a small gift to help repeal this Congress!
We plan to target and repeal at least 20 House members who betrayed the voters in their districts. Think of it as $10 for 20 in 2010! Our goal is to raise and spend at least $500,000.

By joining today, you can help FRC Action send a message in the November elections that Congress cannot ignore.

By becoming a member of FRC Action, you'll be linking arms with our Capitol Hill experts and tens of thousands who refuse to give up. Together, we are fighting for the heart of our nation.

Members receive FRC Action's list of endorsed candidates, insider information, special invitations and action steps to participate in the political process.

To thank you for a gift of any amount, we'll send you a free American flag bumper sticker. Display it proudly as a sign of your commitment to our founding principles.
Because of my training in the U.S. Marine Corps, I will never run from a fight. Because of my faith in the Lord, I will never lose hope. Will you join our team today?


Tony Perkins
FRC Action

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