Friday, March 19, 2010

Recent Update on the Health Care Bill

I just received this from my Congressional Representative Ed Royce:

Dear Carl,

Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition to the current health care legislation before Congress.

The headline in yesterday morning's Washington Post read, "Pelosi may try to pass health bill without vote." According to the Post, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has begun to implement a "procedural sleight of hand" with the hopes of passing this government takeover of healthcare. In a complicated procedure, House members may "deem" the Senate bill passed using a "selfexecuting rule," allowing members to avoid a direct vote on the Senate bill. Constitutional experts question the validity of this move.

I am deeply troubled by the unprecedented measures taken by the Democratic leadership to avoid a vote on the unpopular Senate legislation. Rest assured, I will continue working to oppose any measures that attempt to advance this government takeover of health care. In speeches on the House floor, talk radio shows, and television appearances, I have addressed these exact issues and will do everything in my ability to stop this bill.

To address the health care problems facing Americans, I support patient centered reform that gives consumers control over their health coverage. I want to allow individuals and businesses to purchase health care across state lines. Several states have little or no competition among insurance providers. By allowing those seeking coverage to access a national market, we will see an increase in availability, and a decrease in costs. I support letting small businesses band together to purchase high quality health care for their employees at a more affordable price, just as large corporations and unions do. And finally, I support tort reform to rein in junk lawsuits that make health care more expensive for everyone.

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your concerns. I appreciate having the benefit of your views.



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